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paul milton commented on Cache sizes
Quote:Paul: While your point is valid it also must be acknowledged that some contributors manipulate their cache to...
21st June 2006
paul milton commented on Cache sizes
hmm, i see nothing wrong with a 6 day cache. some folks are still on dialup, and some folks pay by the hour!.. i got in to...
21st June 2006
ok, THAT was funny!... i live in georgia, so we are afectid by huricanes when florida gets hit.. how you ask? 1. the...
20th June 2006
Quote:I apologize for pulling this Thread out of the ancient Dust, but it seems to me to be the only right place to...
20th June 2006
thank you :) i know my spelling isnt exactly great (legaly blind cant exactly see what the heck im typen :) ) figured some...
20th June 2006