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well, im thinking i messed something up, just not sure what. leaving it "as is" and running p95 results in 181*f (82*c),...
18th June 2014
ok so, my original plan wouldnt work. using a rather unscientific method (yard stick across the case and a ruler measuring...
16th June 2014
hey jay, task manager in 8.1 doesnt have that per task, at least not that i saw? i do know of performance monitor though,...
16th June 2014
Quote: I love those fans, and I still use the Artic Silver paste when I build/rebuild systems. The fans are big though...
9th June 2014
any body got some ketchup for this shoe? at least, partly. so, i shut down Einstein and let the system idle for an hour...
8th June 2014