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astro-marwil wrote:Hallo! For more than 30h now Albert@Home/Serverstatus etc. is offline. I hope, it can become cured...
26th February 2017
AgentB wrote:  used to have a link to show the next 50 hosts and so on, at...
12th February 2017
Stu D. wrote:Thanks archae86, I thought of that also, but the 00:00-11:00 part is the next day, wouldn't the scheduler...
6th February 2017
Der Mann mit der Ledertasche wrote:...because there're couple of months ago. Phase II in 2017?  Short answer: Yes, soon...
4th February 2017
solling2 wrote: So these are tasks for the first Observational Run, crunching continuing. For the second Observational...
1st February 2017