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poppageek wrote:FYI Firefox has started complaining since last update. Used Chrome to post this as cannot find a way to...
19th March 2018
Holmis wrote:The only usage case I can think of (but never had to use) would be if I had changed my e-mail and not updated...
12th March 2018
Yes, you were blocked server-side, but not intentionally! We have a DOS filter setup to prevent against abuse. When you...
22nd February 2018
Azat, There are people who run E@H on HPC clusters, for example at AEI on the ATLAS cluster. They use boinc via the command...
13th February 2018
Chuck Claybaugh wrote:Just installed BOINC on a new computer and having problem assigning a project.  Says invalid...
9th February 2018