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Richard Haselgrove wrote:account/tasks/0/0 is a reference to your own account, and can't refer to third parties. If other...
27th November 2018
Richie wrote:I think the daily time for stats updates for my projects have passed today. No fresh credits under Albert....
26th November 2018
The Einstein@Home Web site will be down for about 5-10 minutes on Tuesday 2018-11-27 to install a new SSL/TLS certificate....
26th November 2018
Richard Haselgrove wrote:This has been available in the generic BOINC web code for some years now. I'm actually trying to...
26th November 2018
Richie wrote:Also BOINCstats at least has been unable to gather data from Al' for some time. There's only zeros everywhere...
25th November 2018