Recent posts

Guiri-1_Andalucia_ wrote:It is not shown in server_status , it would be nice ot see how many wor units do we have, how...
18th May 2018
Is there an update for ca-certificates available for Fedora27? If so can you install it and see if that helps. Can you...
14th May 2018
See this message thread and change the Grub parameters as suggested.
7th May 2018
None left to send now (at 343,000) so it looks like we are just waiting on the in-progress tasks to come back.
21st March 2018
PG3.14 wrote:New Raspberry Pi model 3B+ 1.4 GHz, 330Mbit Ethernet, 802.11ac, PoE i had to go to the Raspberry Pi site...
14th March 2018