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Assuming you have a Pi2 or Pi3 seeing as your computers are hidden, Login to the e@h website. Go to Account ->...
2nd September 2017
Are there Pi's without neon? Joking. Are there enough to justify recompiling and testing a new armv6 app?
23rd August 2017
I have upgraded 5 of mine so far. The 1.47 beta app works fine on them. Log into the e@h web site and change your account...
22nd August 2017
It seems that ssh has been disabled since Nov 2016, so you'll need to enable it or plug a screen and keyboard in. This is in...
22nd August 2017
I wonder if the Pi3 could run the O1Spot1Lo. If only they had an armhf app. I have rearranged the Pi part of my farm. It...
25th June 2017