Phil commented on Cafe Einstein: LPTP # X V
Hi all,
Just popping in to say hi. I've been offline for a bit. I'm in Georgia attending engine school and will be here...
14th May 2015
Phil commented on Cafe Einstein: LPTP # X V
Quote:Seriously, I could wolf a couple down.
Boo, Hiss. Throws rotten tomato.
5th May 2015
Phil commented on The chuckle channel
A man walks into his bedroom and trips over his wifes bra that had been left laying on the floor.
It was a booby trap...
27th April 2015
Phil commented on The chuckle channel
26th April 2015
Phil commented on Do modern computers use wait states?
Thanks for the explanation of more modern computers Extra. That makes perfect sense to me.
19th April 2015
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