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Phil commented on Can't add project
Thanks for the tips Christian. That will make it easier next time. Found the problem, but only by process of elimination....
16th January 2017
Trials and tribulations aside, you all are forgetting something. I have had my share of pain the last few days learning...
14th January 2017
I was offline for several weeks. When I came back I had to update my drivers to receive work. Update your driver to the...
14th January 2017
Phil commented on Can't add project
No idea what happened, but here hours later it decided to work. I have no useful input, so a moderator may delete this if...
14th January 2017
Phil started discussion Can't add project
I hope I have not missed any informative posts, but: New Rpi3 will not attach to Einstein. BOINC Manager project add...
14th January 2017