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A stick won ?  Maybe it's the number of fathoms below water level that the English cricket team is DownUnda ...... :-)...
14th December 2017
I live in a hilly area of the UK where the limestone sinkholes are known locally as potholes.   The ones nature makes are...
14th December 2017
Makes the palm trees look so ...  Shredded? Dead sea-weedy atop a thick stick? :( *blink in belated mourning* I'm very...
11th December 2017
We had snow today too. It's still making everything look pretty - which is nice. *tear eyes away from window* Did I tell...
10th December 2017
You know when a cat chases its own tail and then can't walk in a straight line afterwards, or get back out the bathtub if it...
8th December 2017