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I LOVE brussel sprouts!! :) and I'm so glad to hear you now like bananas :) erm... having a few problems with...
9th November 2015
anniet commented on Jumbled Word 8
Quote:Quote:The new jumbled word is: ABDHIMRTY It has no letters correct. And once again, I'm wrong. It has one...
9th November 2015
Oh my - I do hope we have no insulted Spanish einsteinians reading the civilization bit... *perform sudden and very...
9th November 2015
Awwwwwwwww :) Thank you for consulting your tuber bear, MAGIC :) Why I find cooking so boring these days, and...
9th November 2015
Quote: Yes, well sometimes extreme measures are called for :) Quote:subdermatoglyphics For the record,...
9th November 2015