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Quote:Quote:I think it would be a bit inappropriate here in Einstein to go into details about the boards on another...
17th November 2015
anniet commented on Jumbled Word 8
Quote:First guess: NUDIESTRAINUT - the definition of which would get me modded. heh heh heh heh heh :))) good one...
17th November 2015
I never remember profiles until someone mentions profiles. Then I think I should probably do one but don't - which is when...
16th November 2015
anniet commented on Jumbled Word 8
Quote:I would say that she has got it! Well I much prefer your definition to the one I got. The one I got caused a...
16th November 2015
anniet commented on Jumbled Word 8
Well... according to ye olde internete of traditionale wordes and traditionale wordes onley it has nothing to do with...
16th November 2015