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anniet commented on Jumbled Word 8
Quote:Ok suckers for punishment, here it is : ABCCEHHINOORRST Cheers, Mike. ( edit ) I'll give one context clue :...
20th May 2016
Quote:AnnieT ? Spotted on video ) I've lost so many placards face-flopping that way *scowl* and does anyone...
20th May 2016
I stuck some plasters over the bits the acetone turned purple :) then plonked the whole lot on their desk when I arrived...
19th May 2016
anniet commented on Jumbled Word 8
Quote:You've solved my word and I've (I think) solved your word. Who's going next? I suggest Mike. Oh yes, I...
19th May 2016
anniet commented on Jumbled Word 8
Something went wrong with my edit... so I ended up here instead. Bit disconcerted now so might go to bed befdore I...
18th May 2016