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OpenCL compiling FAILED! : -11 . Error message: 1:10:30: error: use of type 'double' requires cl_khr_fp64 extension to be...
21st December 2019
Sorted - persuaded the tablet to request Requesting new tasks for CPU and Mali-G71 and it got some CPU work. Seems like I...
8th December 2019
Is anyone successfully downloading new work with Android BOINC version 7.16.3?  I purchased a new Samsung Tab 'A' running...
8th December 2019
The official BOINC downloads can be found at But please note that v7.16.3 has...
9th November 2019
There are two passwords in play. One is a purely local password, used when BOINC Manager talks to the local client. The...
27th October 2019