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Keith Myers wrote: OK, one more time.  Before you reboot the system after the installation tells you to reboot, edit...
19th March 2021
This isn't E@H related but you need OpenCL. I haven't used 20.4 but NV driver has just come with CUDA.   sudo apt...
6th March 2021
robl wrote: Jim1348 wrote: Well I tried.  I built a new Ryzen 3600 machine, and thought I would put in at least one,...
6th March 2021
You can run more than 1 client. Each client will run a task and have their own daily quota. I did this on MW with my...
6th March 2021
Well if GPU core clocks aren't the real limitation on E@H GRP tasks, how does adjusting memory clocks fare? E@H has...
4th March 2021