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Up up again;-) > BUMP up to the top. > A good manual for Boinc is Paul D. Bucks BOINC Powered Projects Documentation...
20th February 2005
And once more... > BUMP up to the top. > A good manual for Boinc is Paul D. Bucks BOINC Powered Projects...
19th February 2005
> I'm also getting an error when BOINC starts saying "Cannot clean up Windows > sockets interface" Hello Andy,...
19th February 2005
hello North95, I would recomend you to Captain Avatar. his sig says: Timmy If you would like an Avatar, Feel free...
19th February 2005
Saenger commented on Launched!!
Congratulations from me as well! Go on! To boldly crunch what no CPU has crunched before!
19th February 2005