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Hello Mullard-EL34, all your WUs were declared 'invalid' by the validator: 368010 Validate state Invalid Claimed credit...
23rd February 2005
A good manual for Boinc is Paul D. Bucks BOINC Powered Projects Documentation and his FAQ therein. Happy crunching!
23rd February 2005
Saenger commented on board structure
Finally! Kudos, and big THX for the new structure! Happy posting ;-)
23rd February 2005
In short: Yes!But.. They have to be identical, usually created through detach/reattach, major boinc update, or some hickup...
23rd February 2005
> PS : Why my avatare is on black and white ? For avatar help, go to Captain Avatar. (No, he hasn't done mine ;-)
23rd February 2005