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Looks like whatever opencl program they are running doesn't play well with my older Kepler Titan.  My 960 is faster.  I ran...
18th December 2016
sweet Zalster, brought all mine back.  Though Ive noticed my 1050Tis seem to out perform my Titan Black/960 combo.  May pull...
18th December 2016
I setup an I5 machine with two 750Tis to run these Gammas.  It runs just a tad slower then my I7 but the cpu is maxed out at...
17th December 2016
juan BFP wrote:With the new buids takes about 800 secs to crunch a WU running 3 at a time. But it´s use aditional CPU...
17th December 2016
I was doing the math and right now, with good cpus and decent video cards our point totals will be going up from the brp4Gs...
17th December 2016