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Oh Absolutely, both of ya! Are you kidding!?! Havin a Blast here with y'all - Bunch o Hot Dogs - and Proud of it!...
16th November 2015
I finally found it - Top Participants @ Einstein site Well I'll be darned, there he/we is! Ha! # 98 now How often...
16th November 2015
JBird commented on Newer Stats
Hey Kamu! Cool to see you bringin it!
15th November 2015
JBird commented on Newer Stats
And here's a refreshed FDC Update Midday version with Einstein Team ranks and next 2 overtake targets
15th November 2015
JBird commented on Newer Stats
Tonite's update gonna be a Zoom - new kid been bizzy; little brother too Grabbed a bunch of fresh updates from ASUS...
15th November 2015