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That's a good hvy duty product. The Rosewills I refer to are just 5.99 tho at 2000 rpms and I believe 65+ CFM. and they...
27th December 2015
JBird commented on Newer Stats
27th December 2015
My question re: those 120s - are they 2000 rpm like these cheap rosewills?
26th December 2015
Dang! Same experience here, but without the rain reason. I must upgrade the breakers in my circa 1957 Panel from 15 -...
25th December 2015
JBird commented on powerball $224 mil
Man! What a *bunch of cool Spirits of the Season we are! Feliz Navidad - Prospero Ano y Felicidad Good Tidings to...
25th December 2015