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JBird commented on Newer Stats
Roger THAT
9th January 2016
JBird commented on Newer Stats
Days2Overtake()_asof 0108 4 Russia 2,621,821,783 1,410,484 8,364,882 3 Ellison Crunchers 2,651,855,651 3,574,071 6,201...
9th January 2016
JBird commented on Newer Stats
Dadgum Pendings been brutal today! Was lookin at this: Total credit 49,999,467 then at 11:39 pm 0108.2016 - and from a...
9th January 2016
JBird commented on New Challenge
Ya, first thing I did was drop back to 1470 (from 1480) - considering 1450. seems to do the trick on the temp - ie the +...
9th January 2016
JBird commented on New Challenge
Sounds like my prob here on Firebird (mostly) - GPU 0 keeps overheating and ensuing Driver break/recover that I hafta...
9th January 2016