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JBird commented on Glorious GTX 750Ti.
Was thinking about *trying mine on a x4 slot somewhere - same with my 960 - reading about the PCIe bus in evga manual...
15th January 2016
First, there's a distinction between *which OpenCl the app calls ie-Intel or NV or *other IOW the OpenCl *version will be...
15th January 2016
JBird commented on Newer Stats
These are *off (not too accurate)+ an early cutoff and BStats Bam Mgr down 2-3 hrs today Tomorrow should be huge
15th January 2016
JBird commented on Newer Stats
Oops Sorry - fixed it Ya, WB Brian! Your input offset my one machine *down - thankyou We strung 2 11Mil days back to...
14th January 2016
JBird commented on Newer Stats
14th January 2016