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Another Edit> BIOS sez it can kickup iGD to 1250MHz Think if I turn off multiple display it'll grow the shared mem...
27th January 2016
PS - already got bunch of the v7 resends(cudas) I could muster and ran out Plenty of v8s *now + v7APs I'v learned to...
27th January 2016
Well, I got the thing from installer just happened to be Mikes - its in all of them (MB_Intel GPU switch) including a note...
27th January 2016
Gonna run Mikes Installer first, see if the MB8_Intel_opencl is in there; but did just download his freestanding from Menu
26th January 2016
Couldn't help but Notice that you don't have *any setiathome_v8 And - how was the performance of the opencl_MB_sah app...
26th January 2016