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JBird commented on Newer Stats
Oh Goody! The first round of BRP6 XTs (24 tasks between my 3 running machines) Got me a whopping ONE validated task...
8th February 2016
JBird commented on Newer Stats
At last! They fixed the BRP6 Feeder 2/8/2016 11:11:54 AM | Einstein@Home | Scheduler request completed: got 6 new tasks
8th February 2016
JBird commented on Newer Stats
8th February 2016
I am tempted to de-select "Run Test applications" and re-select Arecibo GPU to see if it might give me a batch - without...
7th February 2016
That's an impressive RAC bro - congrats Do Tell/Reveal - true specs/Build of "My 970 rig" - Pleez ie Mobo and CPU...
7th February 2016