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Zalster commented on "tri" whatever
The JBird is alive!!! I'll get to it tomorrow... Crunching today!!
28th June 2016
Zalster commented on "tri" whatever
Ok, I tried increasing the voltage to the slots CHA, CHB, CHC, CHD by disabling the DRAM SVID Support and then changed...
28th June 2016
Zalster commented on "tri" whatever
Ok, I did just plug it in and it's reading 935 Watts... So you are correct sir!!! Less than 1000Watts from the wall...
28th June 2016
Zalster commented on "tri" whatever
hmm... Good point about measuring... Oh look, a Kill a watt meter in my did that get there, lol... Ok...
28th June 2016
Zalster commented on "tri" whatever
So what do you all think? I'm running that new i7 with 4 980TI on a EVGA 1300 Watt PSU.... Do I need to upgrade?...
28th June 2016