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Zalster commented on SETI.Germany??
Sweet!! I lost 2 computers. All computers went down. King Ghidorah is giving me problems. Finally got it up but ALL my...
20th February 2017
Zalster commented on SETI.Germany??
Thunderstorms rolling in, power off and on.. Computers up and down.. I'll try and stay on top of them but think will have to...
20th February 2017
Zalster commented on SETI.Germany??
3.4 days.... Full salvo as they bear!!!
20th February 2017
Zalster commented on SETI.Germany??
Boy that woke me up, lol....
19th February 2017
Zalster commented on SETI.Germany??
Avast me hearties!   We have them in our gun range... Prepare to open fire on their engines. Once we pull along side, we'...
19th February 2017