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Zalster commented on SETI.Germany??
Agree...We are in it for the long haul..Eventually they will get tired.
6th March 2017
Zalster commented on Milestones VI
Thanks everyone.  The other side is the electric bill, lol...
6th March 2017
Zalster commented on SETI.Germany??
That will get bigger when I shut down King Ghidorah tomorro, sorry
6th March 2017
Zalster commented on Whatever Four
juan BFP wrote:Zalster wrote:So I've noticed that the 1070s are normally at 2.02 GHz while crunching.  I'm without my...
6th March 2017
Zalster commented on Whatever Four
Todderbert wrote:I ordered a few more I need them.  They help give me something to do when I get enough...
6th March 2017