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Rats! Just as I started to crunch some of those.  7 hr 45 min to complete. Hope you figure it out. Still have a bunch in my...
11th May 2017
Zalster commented on Whatever Five
Well I just started to crunch those so not sure what their problems are so I guess we will just have to wait and see.
11th May 2017
These work units are definitely using a lot of memory. 1.324 GB physical and 1.324 GB Virtual memory.  Darren you might...
11th May 2017
Zalster commented on Whatever Five
So just for S&J I decided to run some of the new CPU Gravity waves.   I had 4 free cores on the 20 core so decided to...
11th May 2017
Ok, took me a couple of time reading thru this to figure out what is going on. First thing, hsgamma is going to use a full...
11th May 2017