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Zalster commented on SETI.Germany??
I was fortunate that JBird had a spare 1600W (only) PSU at his house. lol He has lent it to me and I put it in while I...
29th May 2017
Zalster commented on Whatever Five
Photo of what appears to be an EVGA 1080Ti FTW Hybrid twitted by EVGA on Saturday.. Expect we will hear more about this at...
29th May 2017
Zalster commented on Whatever Five
Ok, Gamera is up and running, thou not without it's problems.... Biggest one is again the LAN connection. I have it connect...
29th May 2017
Zalster commented on Whatever Five
Big Shout out to JBird for his help... Turns out it was the PSU that failed, not the MoBo.  It would power up but wasn't...
28th May 2017
Zalster commented on SETI.Germany??
Lol, yes I need to hide my cards as well... If you want to come back then don't let me stand in your way.   We attempted...
27th May 2017