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Quote:Quote:Did you the GPU on another host or... with another PSU? Yes a i know it´s a long shot but the 390x uses...
10th April 2016
Did you the GPU on another host or... with another PSU? Yes a i know it´s a long shot but the 390x uses a lot of power...
9th April 2016
juan BFP commented on Einstein@Work
Quote:Quote: I'd settle for a T-shirt with a goldfish on it ;) I think anyone willing to pay for having them...
8th April 2016
Quote:?hybrids? don't know how they will handle humidity Thats could be one solution, but i need to test due the...
8th April 2016
Quote:That board will work but know that the PCIe slots will be x8,16,8,8 I know that but AFAIK that will...
8th April 2016