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juan BFP commented on SETI.Germany??
Another day, another million for me, or 15.3 millions for our team, about 10 MM ahead of S@G again.   Nice job mates.  
21st January 2017
juan BFP commented on SETI.Germany??
Thanks Friends for your tips. Done buyed two new 1070 Hybrids from EVGA...   I´m curious to see if the new build could...
21st January 2017
juan BFP commented on SETI.Germany??
HI Z & others. I´m upgrading my lone cruncher and have 2 empty slots. My ideia is to build a 4x1070 cruncher. I know...
21st January 2017
juan BFP commented on SETI.Germany??
Today we gain 10 MM and they are ahead about 312 MM so if that mantains it´s about a month and few days to reach our goal...
21st January 2017
Todderbert wrote:oh and not to forget our party favorite the man with the million point plan...Juan in the backyard...
20th January 2017