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tbret commented on Maybe Mark's here?
Quote:And just maybe I am still here.I am your Venus. I remember that. I owned the 45.
30th November 2014
I would have gotten here and wished you Happy Birthday in public sooner, but I was out celebrating your birthday and time...
29th November 2014
tbret commented on Maybe Mark's here?
Quote:Quote:Happy Thanksgiving to all mates who celebrate in this date and a special hug for the kitties. And the...
28th November 2014
Quote: Thou shalt not mention incompetence and my name in the same sentence, or thou shalt surely get the CHEAPEST...
26th November 2014
I'm beginning to understand why you guys will put-up with Phil. There is no way that I can keep-up with it all. I can'...
25th November 2014