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tbret commented on Team China
Oh that's cruel. Do you suppose I could make my surgeon friend believe this was a necessary part of his retirement...
31st October 2015
tbret commented on GTX 960 Ghetto Modz
Quote:I was looking at those flat plates(fluid inside) that seem to lay right on the top with tubes that go to a Case...
31st October 2015
tbret commented on Team China
Quote:That isn't the actual computer from the Chinese team. I think he just found a picture of the same type of...
31st October 2015
tbret commented on Team China
What do we notice about Card #1, far left in the photo?
31st October 2015
Anybody got any idea where I can find some adult-sized Mr. Magoo pajamas? (I'm kidding, fellas.)
31st October 2015