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Now that the Pi3 is happily crunching Arecibo work units I can catch up around here. @Bikeman Very interesting...
3rd April 2016
Thank you Richard. That revealed that it was the old SSL problems with certs. A quick search and this got the project...
3rd April 2016
Quote:RPi3 45 4/3/2016 1:57:31 PM Internet access OK - project servers may be temporarily down. 44 4/3/2016 1:57...
3rd April 2016
Quote:Poppageek, I've been getting the same error. I'm unable to load anything for Einstein though the BOINC client...
3rd April 2016
Put latest Raspian on Pi3, did updates, installed Boinc. Tried to add project via BoincTasks and get error: AddProject:...
3rd April 2016