Ok, Chipper Q finished and has sent me the scoring macros. Posted below is the revised intro, instructions and rules for the Word Link: Scoring Edition game. Please read through it and post any suggestions and comments that you may have. I should start this game after Word Link 23 has ended.
This is a game called "Word Link". It's a simple game where you type a word related to the last word. For example: snake -> viper -> car -> thunderbird -> firefox. It is fun and quick. If you get a chance just post a word. Or keep an eye on the game to try to keep your score building by having the last word in the thread. The longer the time as the last word, the more points you will receive. When the game has ended (which can be at any time), the scores will be posted.
Scoring, Rules and other stuff:[i]
> The score for a post will be determined by the length of time that post is the last in the thread. Time scored will be rounded up to the nearest minute.
> You may use filler words in parentheses () or in bold to clarify. A tilda (~) may be used to represent the previous word in the link. For example: [i]informed -> ~ decision
> Rhyming words without *apparent relation will only receive half of the time score rounded down. If less than a minute, no point will be awarded.
> A word that bears no *apparent relation to the previous one will not receive a score.
* by apparent relation I'm referring to me consulting my Webster's unabridged dictionary, using Wikipedia or
a search engine on the internet (Google for example).
> If a player modifies their post after the next person posts a word, then the modified post will receive no score. Remember, the browser refresh button is your friend... and type quick! A modified post before the next person's post will earn normal points from the initial post.
> #Please use the 'Reply to this thread' instead of 'Reply to this post' when entering a word. This makes it easier to score.
> #Please refrain from excessive comments and urls. They tend to clutter up the game and makes scoring more difficult. Points for the post may be disallowed.
# These two items of note can cause problems with the scoring macros.
A Special Thank You to Chipper Q who coded the scoring macros and made the Scoring Edition possible... and accurate!
Thanks to prab~ at the Spybot forums from whom I plagiarized part of the first paragraph.
I'll begin this Word Link with ...
Copyright © 2025 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
Word Link suggestions and comments
As long as the word that the player is posting is at the very beginning of the post (is the first line), the ThreadSifter1 macro will pick it out from whatever follows it. The macro recognizes the beginning of a sig using the "___________" so it's fine to use it, for those in the habit of doing so. I noticed in some posts that the player would repeat the word of the previous post, as the first line of their post, and this will cause a problem for the scorekeeper, since it will appear (in the output of raw scores) that the player just repeated the previous post (the macro with ignore the rest of the posted text after the first line of the post). I did this so folks could use their sigs, and make any anecdotal remarks that seem apropos for the flow, and the scorekeeper wouldn't have to bother with it. :)
Of course, when a player uses the 'Reply to this post' method, then 'quote' tags are automatically placed around the previous post. The macro is looking for text, so it will grab the first line, which is the previous (quoted) post, and so this will also cause the same problem for the scorekeeper, who sees what appears to be just a repetition of the last post. That's why players should use the 'Reply to this thread' method for posting. As long as players use the first line of their post for the word that they're posting, then it won't affect the macro or the scorekeeper's ability to scan through a concise version of the thread (sample 'raw scores' are here).
I hope everyone has lots of fun with it. I'm glad for the experience. Today, sifting a message board thread... tomorrow, sifting data from NED :) (Well, I've a lot more Astronomy to learn yet...)
RE: > #Please refrain from
Does this mean that a post like
will be disallowed in future word links?
I would really miss this feature although it takes much longer to write ;)
RE: RE: > #Please refrain
@ Vanessa- I'm sorry about not being clearer on this issue. By 'url' I was meaning the full url, for example: "http://blahblahblahblah.ioh". The example you provided is quite ok.
@Chipper Q- Thanks for clarifying those points.
I wonder if I asked Mike Hewson nicely, that he might sticky the game...
RE: I wonder if I asked
I was thinking that too, but the thread is popular enough that it's almost always bumped to the top of the board... also, wouldn't it have to be 'unstuck' before you'd be able to spawn a new thread?
I was also thinking a bit on the points awarded for the number of posts. There's another way to look at it. Let's say there was a tie between two players, but one player had several more posts than the other. Okay, which of the two picked the best words? As the rule is to come up with a word that meets the continuity criteria, there are usually quite a few possible choices, so the best choice would be the one that will best stump the other players, hence garnering more points for being the last post. So by this rationale, the person who has the least number of posts therefore came up with more challenging (or at least longer lasting) words. So if you wanted the scoring to reflect the 'posting efficiency', you could just add the average points/post to the points awarded for time. This way a tie between two people would be resolved by 'one player had better words'. Actually, to not demean the effort of the prolific poster, a point per post could still be awarded, and it would then be interesting to see how things scored... sometimes you'd see a person with less posts edge-out someone with more, and sometimes not... Interestingly, however, there is still the possibility of ties occurring with any scoring method... Any thoughts?
As it is currently, the macro sorts just by points, so if two players have the same points, the player who was the first to post in the thread, is the player who appears first in the scoring order.
RE: RE: I wonder if I
True on both accounts. It was one of those quick errant thoughts that I posted without giving much thought to.
That is a good suggestion. I personally think I should just compare the two (or more) scores that tie and give the win to whoever has the best points per post average. If I add the points in for the folks that tie, to be fair shouldn't I do the same for everyone? If the game was close enough that could bring yet another person(s) score in for a win. A whole 'nother can of worms. If yet there still is a tie, then I could go by the amount of posts. If still tied, then the winners can high five each other or I can have my three year draw the final winner's name out of a hat. lol
I also see that I forgot to add the bit about awarding a point? per post to the scoring rules/instructions...
(Revised - multiple
(Revised - multiple times)
This is a game called "Word Link". It's a simple game where you type a word related to the last word. For example: snake -> viper -> car -> thunderbird -> firefox. It is fun and quick. If you get a chance just post a word. Or keep an eye on the game to try to keep your score building by having the last word in the thread. The longer the time as the last word, the more points you will receive. When the game has ended (which can be at any time), the scores will be posted.
Scoring and Rules
> The score for a post will be determined by the length of time that post is the last in the thread. Time scored will be rounded up to the nearest minute. Also, a point per post will be add to the time score.
> In the event of a tie for the win, the person with the highest points per post average wins. If still tied, then the win will go to the person who has the most posts.
> Rhyming words without *apparent relation will only receive half of the time score rounded down. If less than a minute, no point will be awarded.
> A word that bears no *apparent relation to the previous one will not receive a score.
* by apparent relation I'm referring to me consulting my Webster's unabridged dictionary, using Wikipedia and/or
a search engine on the internet (Google for example).
> If a player modifies their post after the next person posts a word, then the modified post will receive no score. Remember, the browser refresh button is your friend... and type quick! A modified post before the next person's post will earn normal points from the initial post.
Other stuff
> Please post your word first. Any comments, explanations, etc. should be entered on the next line in your post. This will make it easier to score.
> Please use the 'Reply to this thread' instead of 'Reply to this post' when entering a word. This makes it easier to score.
> Please do not post signatures as it slows down the loading of the game in the browser, esp. for dial-up users.
> You may use filler words in parentheses () or in bold to clarify. A tilda (~) may be used to represent the previous word in the link. For example: informed -> ~ decision
A Special Thank You to Chipper Q who coded the scoring macros and made the Scoring Edition possible... and accurate!
Thanks to prab~ at the Spybot forums from whom I plagiarized part of the first paragraph.
I'll begin this Word Link with ...
Ok, I'll end the current Word
Ok, I'll end the current Word Link tomorrow after work and start a new WL Scoring Edition. I also plan to start and end the games roughly the same time of day so as to allow everybody the same opportunity to play. Different time zones, work and sleeping times, etc.