I have a simple question about the science behind this project, what exactly is the importance of finding a Pulsar? Is it simply to help map the universe and find anomalies, or is there a greater purpose?
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What is the importance of finding Pulsars?
Pulsars are neutron stars. There are probably neutron stars that don't give regular radio emissions - but we can't 'hear' them. Neutron stars are nearly black holes. They are as dense as matter can be without forming an event horizon around themselves which would trap radiation emitted by them. Effects of Einstein's theory of General Relativity ( GR ), our current best explanation of gravity, are best seen when matter is very dense ( alot in a small volume ).
There have been a few successful tests of GR in our own solar system :
- redshifting of radiation in a gravity well
- deflection of light passing by the Sun
- explanation of anomalous rotation of Mercury's orbit
- Gravity Probes A and B
- for that matter, the GPS location system
These are in the 'weak field limit' meaning where the acceleration of gravity is relatively low. For us personally that is a good thing. Thus to test GR more widely we have to look elsewhere. One direction is cosmology - the study of the evolution of the universe. GR has alot to say about that.
The study of neutron stars has already tested GR, accurately explaining the loss of orbital energy of binary systems ( Taylor & Hulse ) and another system that actually verified 'Shapiro delay' where the emission from one pulsar passed by the surface of another!
Alot of astronomy stems from the Herschel's program of simply looking out there and trying to deduce reasons. Many important breakthroughs have been based on trends in populations of objects - Hubble's discovery of distant galaxy recession for instance.
So there are specific targets of enquiry, but as you indicate the unexpected may arise! :-)
Cheers, Mike.
( edit ) Whoops, 'GPS location system' is rather like 'ATM machine' ( Automatic Teller Machine machine ) or 'PIN number' ( Personal Identification Number number ). :-)
I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...
... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal
Great thanks, now I know!
Great thanks, now I know!