I fully expect him to supply video evidence of this.
I'd be happy to do that, so coming soon to a youtube near you, “(An Improvised) River Dance on Rollerblades�
But don't hold your breath or your posts, tho' – my phone only does a 15 sec. “flix�, so lemme figure out some logistics on the camera and music and all that ... :)
RE: RE: The wheels fell
I'd be happy to do that, so coming soon to a youtube near you, “(An Improvised) River Dance on Rollerblades�
But don't hold your breath or your posts, tho' – my phone only does a 15 sec. “flix�, so lemme figure out some logistics on the camera and music and all that ... :)
Greetings mortals.
Greetings mortals.
Son of a BIT!
And greetings to you buggy
And greetings to you buggy robot.
C:\Users\Al\>cd.. C:\Users\>c
Directory of C:\
09/8/1999 10:36 PM Kill all Human.exe
1 File 4300 bytes
Son of a BIT!
cd C:\ C:\dos\attrib
cd C:\
C:\dos\attrib +R+A+S+H c:\*.* /S
Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)
Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now
Those resemble some of the
Those resemble some of the filter eules I place in my Email client against spam messages.
Shih-Tzu are clever, cuddly, playful and rule!! Jack Russell are feisty!
RE: Those resemble some of
Are filter eules anything like Yule logs?
logs eh...floatin...floatin
logs eh...floatin...floatin around
Son of a BIT!
RE: logs
Then ya flush.
RE: RE: logs
Third tiems the charm...as the saying goes.
Son of a BIT!