To unlock the secrets of the universe, one would think they'ld have to be an extremely inteligent individule, like being knowledgible in all fields, and what exactly does that mean?
Having a type of super inteligents of knowing everything there is to know? Or maybe all you have to know is what you need to, just enough information to sqeek by, or maybe just knowing a little bit of everything there is to know, but ya know, I don't think it has to do with inteligents at all. I'll tell you what, it definitly has nothing to do with being able to spell words correctly let alone useing the right puctuation.
I think the secret of the universe is in all things,everything, and everywhere, the continuose momentum that drives the existance of existing! I haven't given it much thought before, because my brain was in the learning stage of "subconciance intellect absorbsion" SIA for short, a term I came up with at this very instant to discribe how life stumbles upon things that may produce answers to the great jig-saw puzzles that are thrown at us, like invetions, theories or other things of interest. Natures way of saying, here are all the pieces, now you put-em together. I believe I have been blessed with an important piece of one of the many puzzles, through "SIA",or maybe it is GOD.
I have given a couple of clues as to what this piece of literature might involve.
And I find it very intriuging as to how SIA is interacting with how I'm typing these key words into this explantion. Ok here we go, I am a musician learning how to play guitar, I don't have a metronome so I use a clock on the wall, tick, tock, yeah, yeah, yeah, ok, have you ever expierianced time displacement, or missing time like what UFO abducties discribe? well I have, many times, never gave it much thought until now. I just watched a show on the discoverey channel about "time". They were saying how Einstien had theories saying the faster you go the slower time would appear from a third person view. I don't think that is right, I'm not dissing Einstien because he's far more inteligent than I can ever be. Anyway, practicing guitar was the only thing that would get me in a state of being one with my inner feelings. It is very relaxing, and sometimes, not always, I'ld expieriance lost time. If you listen to a timely sound, or watch a timly light, and anticipated it or counted along with it, it would appear to slow down, but it isn't, you're just in sync with it, and therefore giving the feeling of lost time, now the question is, was it lost time, or is it, time gained?
Time is one of the most influential things known to man, next to gravity. it can't be seen, but it can be measured, and felt, and we see the affect it has on things, but unlike gravity, it can not be manipulated,at least not yet. Carl Sagon had pointed out, that things tend to follow a patern, or diagramatical blueprint, like sound waves, or radio waves, light particals that have wave like properties, waves in a pond or lake, gravity, waves of magnetic fields, so then, now the question is
Why should time be any different?
I believe time, past, preasent, and future, can be viewed by tuning in to the right frequency.
So you might be able to say, time, and grvity, as being invisible forces of nature,but there effects are able to be observed, so it makes there existance evident, and there fundimental inner-action with each other may give evidence that they exist in similar form. If you have two objects of the same size, wieght, and chemical make up, put them in the same enviernment to where no other type of size, wieght, and chemical make-up could have any influence of any kind on them to the effects of there existance, decey rate, gravitational forces, repell or atraction, to one another,
what would the inner action be between the two subjects be viewed as or cause to each other when observing it from a third point of view in a three dimensional method or concept.
How do we measure time? By the natural decey rate of something not influenced by any other influantial sorce, except time and gravity. So how are you suppose to get an acurate reading when the observers own existance has a gravitational influence on the subject involved? Take the table of elements, all differant kinds, man made and natural, we only have so many, but just because we haven't made or found them yet it doesn't mean they don't or can't exist, right?,, now look at each and every one of these elements and they contain all of the same type of sub-atomic particals, right?
What would a three dimensional wave patern look like from all of the elements decey rates,and they were put into a graph-like view, with one hundred being the point of existance and zero being the point of no longer in existance, of course you'ld probibly have to use a much larger scale than 100-0
but it's just an example, and then looked at as if it where a sound pattern like in a music box method of playing it, in the arrangement as they are on the pieriodic table of elements?
Now with a bit of a twist,this instrument or divice would be discribed as this......
each string or chime would be of the same stature or equality to each-other
the points of the decey-rate from each element would be how hard or how much force is applied to each string or chime
and the order of the pieriodic table of elements would be the arrangement as to when the influenced string or chime would resinate a wave length
then given all of these wave lengths, they would have to be played at the same time to get one whole wave length, other wise known as a "chord", now the wave length of that "chord" would be the basis or timing of, as to when each individule string or chime would be sounded or riesinated
thus giving a wave patern of
"times definition"
Now the problem is, how do you know if you have all the elements needed, thus giving the correct "chord" needed to get the correct wave length needed for the correct timing as to when each string, chime, or "note" is resinated, displayed or souded, giving the correct wave pattern of
"times defintion"
There are so many variables.
you also have to concider the density of the string or chime
this will give you the "octive" as to what "times definition" is
to achive the correct "octive" you'll need the correct element to construct your string or chime
this is where it get a little bit tricky!
I would always wonder, what is the mass of a black hole made out of
is it many different types of elements, given its extream gravitational force it would have to be something like that right?
well lets look at the atom of an element
they are all pretty much the same, at least how they are made
protons, neutrons, and electrons
except protons and neutrons are made up of smaller particals them self
quarks and leptons
now in between all these quarks,leptons,and electrons is a space, some think it may be another dimension, but I believe it's the same space that is in between all the atoms of elements and molecules, like the space found between me and the wall and all the other small particals there of
now what if a black hole is nothing more than an element in it self
so big so much force it breaks down a quauntum into its rawlest form thus creating a space-less "super-mass element", it gives the word "solid" a whole new meaning
we'll call this "super-mass element" an SME for short
now how long would it take for an SME to acumulate its nessecery energies to become an SME
how many SME atoms will it take to produce a molecule, or can there only be one, thus creating "the big bang"
now with this in mind, what is the decey-rate of a super-mass element?
now what kind of octive of times definition be viewed as,
if the strings or chimes were made out of the super-mass element?
further more how could you make it?
you couldn't,
unless you are more powerful than any thing known or even imagined to the point of its existance!
back to the rhythm
the name of the music CD released by the band Great White
so back to the rhythm I go
strong force, weak force, gravity, magnetic force
but what we don't see on the list is time
the most obviouse forces among them
and for some strange reason I've got a feeling in my gut that tells me I'm not the first person to suggest it, well anyway, the varibles contiue
the weight of each elements smallest form of existance is the amount of force equal to one percent of each elements decay rate
now put all of that into perspective and come up with a calculation comprehencive to a physicist
so what I'm trying to say is that a black hole is the pure form of force, we know of stong force, electromagnetic force, gravitational force, weak force, but why don't they include time as a type of force, time it self is far more powerful than anything it is stroger than a black hole because even after the black hole feeds on every bit of mass in existance that includes the merging of all other blackholes time will still be a constant, because the blackhole is still in existance now when the blackhole collapses it is it self going through the stage of decay the big bang thats why the farther you look into space the closer to ground zero of the big bang you'll see in turn the less black holes will be in existance because mass hasn't had a chance to accumulate into large enough chuncks to create enough gravity to crush the "A" quantum which is the pure form of force, or the strong force as you would call it, at least in this universe, here is an easy way of under standing it,
"A" is the beging of the alfabet the bi bang is the beging of our universe at the top of the letter "A" is nothing but it has two lines extending down ward to a point of a crossing but then continues on its' current path to an unkown, at the top the piont of nothing represents the accumulation of of all mass in the universe condenced into the raw form of inward force or the vaccuum force, as soon as all mass is trasformed into vaccuum force it would have no choice but to explode into another point of existance, shooting lines outward to a crossing, that crossing represents a point in time where life as we know it comes into existance, the lines continue outward, the bottom of the "A" represents the future, which can only lead back to a point in time where life no longer exists and all mass is again accumulated and condenced into a point in time where the big bang will again begin its cycle giving us the upside down "A" which is inturn giving me John E. Laturell son of John T. Laturell the impression that time works in a wave type or form of pattern, so times wave pattern would look somethine like this,,,
now the only problem is we have no idea where the acctual beging of time itself started, does it start now in the middle of lifes existance or did it start at the big bang and another question is how many universes are governed by the force of time
perhaps when your own existance in time is expired and you are able to see from a third point of view, the whole spectrum of the cycle of time, that number of universes is only the beging of understanding that time itself is governed by a whole other force and we are just at a fractional point
somewhere between the two lines
I also have theories on anti gravity
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"Time" a force over looked
I too have lost time playing guitar. Probably just that the brain can only focus on so much at any instant, but quite a cool effect.
Keep on wondering about it all. As much as we do know there still is a vast amount that we are clueless about. Humans are good at making observations and then developing theories to explain them and go slightly beyond the observations. But we fall short when it comes to things that are completely foreign to our everyday senses. I sometimes wonder when things will become so complex that it will take more than a life time to learn enough to progress beyond what is already known.