In a society such as ours where double standard of morality exists, we often hear it said that, “this is a man’s world.” A place where guys have their fun at the expense of the women.
....Edited out....
The double standard male may think he is having a good time running around knocking down the women, but, in the end, he isn’t the winner he makes himself out to be. In fact, he is quite a loser.
This guy, is he one of the guys here, since you post this here??? Either answer, yes or no, why are you posting this here?
First, it takes two to tango, and even a married man cheat on his wife and has a mistress, the mistress is not exactly the innocent victim in this neither! She has every opportunity to tell him to contact her again after his divorce! Nobody holds a gun to her head and tell her that she must have an affair with a married man! And she must have known from the beginning what she entered by inviting him in her bed!
Honestly, I think a woman, who will put up with the situation of being a mistress to a married man, is not very intelligent! Again nobody holds a gun to her head, and allowing a man to have the best of all, the wife and kids at home in the safe, nice enviroment (it must be as he hasn't left it!) and to be treated with good food, good sex, good and interesting everything with the mistress, I mean, who can blame the man? I'm not saying this is right behaviour of the man, but as adult persons, people chose for themselves what they do!
So your flame against some man, whether he's here or not, isn't anything else but a woman's scorned whining! Get over it or change your situation! And don't enter into a relationship with a married man with the hope, he'll leave his wife, because he won't!!! And even if he does (which I doubt very much!), then remember, that he cheated his wife with you, so he can cheat you with someone else later!!!
A woman here participating in this project
EDIT: Oops, my bad, I didn't look this person up before I wrote this. A person with no credit, no computer and a seriously disturbed person, as far as her(??) posts tells!
the OFFFicicial press release from the secertrary of state by mr. von und zu schnitzel direct from the press machine with druckerschwäerze dropping on the polished marmor floor:
"dear sirs and mrs,
mr. panda schnitzel is NOT a man. you willl find proof by reading with ur eyes folowwwing autorizied statetement:
heretehreto the statentement made by ilona tsogali are wrong and misleadingg the public. if i look to my left mr schnitzel stands in front of the whole body mirororor in SXXXXXY leggging by YIV SENG LORENG (PARIS-LONDON-CACAO) which is made of stretachbele materials which is so flexible that she can strech it from his washingbrettstomach to his womanlike CAESAR looking chin.
for further going question talk on the answerrring machine or pariticipate in the folowoing press conferencze in the whiete house (in 2 h).
Pandaschnitzel is a man without Respect
This guy, is he one of the guys here, since you post this here??? Either answer, yes or no, why are you posting this here?
First, it takes two to tango, and even a married man cheat on his wife and has a mistress, the mistress is not exactly the innocent victim in this neither! She has every opportunity to tell him to contact her again after his divorce! Nobody holds a gun to her head and tell her that she must have an affair with a married man! And she must have known from the beginning what she entered by inviting him in her bed!
Honestly, I think a woman, who will put up with the situation of being a mistress to a married man, is not very intelligent! Again nobody holds a gun to her head, and allowing a man to have the best of all, the wife and kids at home in the safe, nice enviroment (it must be as he hasn't left it!) and to be treated with good food, good sex, good and interesting everything with the mistress, I mean, who can blame the man? I'm not saying this is right behaviour of the man, but as adult persons, people chose for themselves what they do!
So your flame against some man, whether he's here or not, isn't anything else but a woman's scorned whining! Get over it or change your situation! And don't enter into a relationship with a married man with the hope, he'll leave his wife, because he won't!!! And even if he does (which I doubt very much!), then remember, that he cheated his wife with you, so he can cheat you with someone else later!!!
A woman here participating in this project
EDIT: Oops, my bad, I didn't look this person up before I wrote this. A person with no credit, no computer and a seriously disturbed person, as far as her(??) posts tells!
Yeah.... guy or gal... this
Yeah.... guy or gal... this thread has no real purpose or meaning being here.
Should probably ask a moderator to delete it.
"No, I'm not a scientist... but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express."
RE: Yeah.... guy or gal...
I second the motion.
RE: Pandaschnitzel is a man
the OFFFicicial press release from the secertrary of state by mr. von und zu schnitzel direct from the press machine with druckerschwäerze dropping on the polished marmor floor:
"dear sirs and mrs,
mr. panda schnitzel is NOT a man. you willl find proof by reading with ur eyes folowwwing autorizied statetement:
heretehreto the statentement made by ilona tsogali are wrong and misleadingg the public. if i look to my left mr schnitzel stands in front of the whole body mirororor in SXXXXXY leggging by YIV SENG LORENG (PARIS-LONDON-CACAO) which is made of stretachbele materials which is so flexible that she can strech it from his washingbrettstomach to his womanlike CAESAR looking chin.
for further going question talk on the answerrring machine or pariticipate in the folowoing press conferencze in the whiete house (in 2 h).
best regards,
iA heidi simionis
(foreign sceertary of state in ausbildung)