Members of the team named "Canada"

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whattsz up guys and girls`?!

Message 8016 in response to message 8015

whattsz up guys and girls`?!

i alrreday got the RÃœCKTRRITSSBESUCH (BACKSTEPVISIT) von the priminister of CANANDA on my ALTE BUCHE DT. EICHE - 15 meter long DESK with vibratorfucnktion where i lay down in my sllleeepping bag when it is dark outsid and wehn pandi is tird.

ANYWAY, MR. CRETIENG said wortwortlich:

"HEREBY i with draw my CANANANADA team from EINSTEIN AT HOIME: because i fear PANDI and his (or is he a she`? m!l!ek!) ATOMFAUST and partly slgihtly a bit the one of T0m (SOLR) but i am not sure if SOLAR is powerful but we only havvve one canonballl but no CANONE to ATTTACK germany (SPECIAL : OFFF TOPIC AKA HEISE). NApoleong said: DEFENCE and tail curling back is bettter then to get a BLUE EYES in DA FACE!.i wissh you goood luck OFFFF TOPIC!"

man man man. if mr CRETINENG woud not make fun out of PANDI ("is he a ski"?---I AM A gentlemann und man von welt ok ? TRESS BONG!) i would ve said:

PE AC E. between GERMANY and CANANANDA. but i only ACCXXEPT serios resignnation.

THEREFOLGE: the A N G S T willll be in CANANANDA .........VERY SOOON!:

muhahahahahaha!loooooooooooooooool!einfach köstlich!

from the hauptsdt
with much love to CANANADA (lovely county - SOON the 16th BUNDSLAND)


P.S. a po pro: county dont be aFRAID. i am PEACEFULLLY loaded with peace/MERCY TO our


but not to OUR ENENEMY! he He he ***! WEITER/FURTHER SO!

The true *F*O*U*N*D*E*R* ᠙᠘᠑᠑
The true *F*O*U...
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> > the very good looking,

Message 8017 in response to message 8015

> > the very good looking, irresistable Mr. Tom9811
> Mr Tom, why do you have to mke me look like a liar?

> Remove your photo immediately!!!1111!!elf!!
First (and I say this only one time):
This is an intenational airport, so u have to mistype eleven!

Second (and I say this only one time):
Hey, let the girls have some fun. They will dream about me this night!

Third (and I say this only one time):
Removing it will not help. The greek girls already have gedownloadet it!
Joined: 7 Mar 05
Posts: 45
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Message 8018 in response to message 8016

> THEREFOLGE: the A N G S T willll be in CANANANDA .........VERY SOOON!:

I would listen to him, Pandaschnitzel got his name because he is making Schnitzel (sometimes Steak or Chicken Wings, supersize just for one €uro more) from his enemys, he is a legend!

We are lucky, we do not have to fear anything, so if you want to live in peace you could make it true it is so easy...


"In zweifelhaften F

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