Einstein@home expiration date of tasks

Jan Appel
Jan Appel
Joined: 30 Sep 06
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Topic 196662

The expiration date of tasks should be extended !

I often have units done 50-80 % and then the expiration date occurs and all the done work is useless....

Joined: 29 Dec 06
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Einstein@home expiration date of tasks


The expiration date of tasks should be extended !

I often have units done 50-80 % and then the expiration date occurs and all the done work is useless....

Tasks that haven't finished before deadline aren't useless, if you finish them before your wingmen finish them then you'll still get credit.

If you're having trouble completing BRP4 tasks before deadline, (they take longer than the other CPU Wu's, but have the same deadline)
eithier deselect 'Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo)' in your project preferences, or deselect 'Run CPU versions of applications for which GPU versions are available'


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