Say, is there a place I can download the little Einstein head icon? It initially associated when I saved einstein@home as a "favorite" in my Internet Explorer. But IE is notorious for losing "fav icons".
So I'd like to have the Einstein head icon around to reassociate with my favorite in IE or on my desktop.
I searched my temporary internet files for it and can't find it. Suggestions?
When the going gets weird, the weird turn PRO. -- Hunter S. Thompson
Copyright © 2024 Einstein@Home. All rights reserved.
Einstein icon fav.icon
> I searched my temporary internet files for it and can't find it. Suggestions?
Try this one ;^)
Thanks! Just for more
Just for more detail for folks following down this path. If you load the URL in the browser, the little icon shows up in your browser. I right mouse clicked over the image and "save picture as". It initially limited me to .bmp file extension, but I just pressed on and said ok. But it did not save it as a .bmp but rather took the .ico extension properly. Then, I encourage you to rename that icon as einstein.ico rather than leaving it as fav.ico because there are fav.ico's all over your machine--part of IE favorites function.
I've since associated the icon with a hotlink to the einstein webpage that I've dropped on my desktop.
When the going gets weird, the weird turn PRO. -- Hunter S. Thompson
wierd -> weird
wierd -> weird
"My other computer is a virus farm."