This all used to work. I've been doing Seti packets for years on several computers with little of no assitance from me.
It seems ever since the holiday break the wheels have come off. Now my fastest computer is always idle. I've plenty of disk space, memory and mips and set my preferences to pretty much "take it all!" but alas BOINC reports I have allocated 2.66 megabytes to Einstein and 0 bytes and 1.6G for the climate prediction. Still I get messages that say my 'puter is overcommitted.
Is there a 'set back to default and just work' button for us folks that have other things to worry about?
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BOINC is always IDLE
In the BOINC MGR screen you might try "file" -> "run always". If this fixes your problem, there may be something in you preferences not set quite right.
Joe B
RE: This all used to work.
Looking at the scheduler logs (available on-line) you will find:
2006-01-16 21:47:57.5721 [PID=5430 ] [debug ] [HOST#467615] MSG(high) (there was work but you don't have enough disk space allocated)
2006-01-16 21:47:57.5722 [PID=5430 ] [debug ] [HOST#467615] MSG(high) No disk space (YOU must free 694.2 MB before BOINC gets space). Review preferences for maximum disk space used.
You have your disk space preferences set in a way that leaves no disk space free for BOINC.
Director, Einstein@Home
RE: RE: This all used to
Thanks Bruce.. it's working now, can't say what did it , I re-installed Boinc and upped the max disk space from 1G to 6Gig and whatever magic you may have performed in the background. I understand SETI is just plain outta work so i understand thier messages. Thanks for your response!
If i only have to ask for help once every 7 years then you are doing a good job