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Tom M commented on Humor
I get a catalog in the mail.  It sells T-shirts, etc with assorted messages.  It is advertising a T-shirt with...
15th October 2021
Tom M commented on Milestones VI
Hmm....   If you pass a billion....   that makes you a billionaire.... And if you pass 5 billion maybe you are...
15th October 2021
Yes, you are smarter than a squirrel. After all you have air conditioning and it doesn't ;)
15th October 2021
Tom M commented on Humor
I wonder if that is what it would look like to have a personal relationship with God and it turns out She is a stereotype...
9th October 2021
Harri Liljeroos wrote: Tom M wrote: Many Nvidia gpus do not seem to run more than one gamma ray task at a time...
8th October 2021