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This alternative sounds reasonable, thanks. I am a follower of the school "if it ain't broke don't fix it" and the PII can...
29th January 2008
Quote: Sorry, but no you haven't :). To bring it to its limits you need to purchase (eg on ebay) a PIII Katmai 600MHz...
29th January 2008
Quote:Hi Tullio! Congrats for the new box, should be a whole new feeling! I guess your Pentium II deserves some rest...
28th January 2008
Greetings from my new Opteron box. After a short attempt with Solaris, I loaded a live SuSE CD on it. Tomorrow I shall...
28th January 2008
Quote:QMC now has workunits that take far longer than even the longest monster units of S5R2. I saw one report of a...
28th January 2008