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It rains on North Italy. No Perseids. Tullio
12th August 2010
Gravity theories abound. I have read on New Scientist of a theory by Petr Horava at Berkeley U. who thinks we should...
11th August 2010
I think I saw a nova (not a supernova) in 1954. It was visible in full daylight. The 1987 supernova in a Magellanic Cloud...
10th August 2010
We need a supernova in our Galaxy. Last ones were in 1572 (T.Brahe) and 1604 (J.Kepler). To this one Galileo dedicated a...
10th August 2010
I am running 6 projects, +LHC when available , all equally shared. My cache is 0.25 days. I get a new WU when the former...
8th August 2010