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Quote:My computer seems to be doing work each nite. I have 3 tasks 100% completed. However, I have no credit, nor do I...
9th October 2010
I am running SuSE 11.1 pae with 5 GB RAM on an Opteron 1210 and I never get a computation error on 6 BOINC projects. My...
8th October 2010
tullio commented on The BOINC FAQs
Quote:Hi: KJ0P here. In my Task list there are always one of two types working: One is Arecibo Binary Pulsar...
7th October 2010
I am not a hardware guru but isn't an AMD feature, in memory management I believe, that Intel chips have recently adopted...
6th October 2010
On my Opteron 1210 with Linux I have completed 4 ABP2 units waiting for validation. The one completed and validated...
4th October 2010