Recent posts

floyd wrote:You can't be sure there's actually tasks ready to send, the server status page hasn't been updated for days...
3rd November 2018
*sigh* As usual with every new app which is coming up here I'm trying to get WUs since days but don't get any at all. All...
29th October 2018
Well, after finally getting the first O2 #2 tasks on one of my hosts (AMD FX 8320) - which seems hard enough because I...
26th February 2018
Hi! I don't see an app to select in my account, Beta option is ACTIVATED but since there MUST be at least one app selected...
8th February 2018
Gary Roberts wrote:Any particular reason why? I'm collecting apps and hours (for WUProp) and I've reached my goal (with...
1st December 2016