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Quote:I was able to see where I was kind of sticking it to others not using the optimized apps when two of us were...
6th May 2006
archae86 commented on Optimized Apps
Quote: For your other 2 computers, other optimised clients might be better, so you need to find out (e.g. by using CPU...
5th May 2006
Quote:Quote: Just a few results ago, the truxoft client started adjusting the resultant CPU time due to "calibration...
5th May 2006
Quote:Quote:How are you doing that? I badly want to do that on my Gallatin host, so I can raise the SETI resource...
5th May 2006
Quote:Quote:I don't recognize your terminology regarding "network reminder frequency" and "options". In the BOINC...
5th May 2006