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Hi guys - Gary sent me - OK 2 questions: Does driver work? and is this the right syntax to replace...
30th November 2015
OK 2 questions: Does driver work? and is this the right syntax to replace app_config or do I need...
30th November 2015
Thanks! Can't believe I'm *there with 2 machines x 5 GPUs albeit pretty spiffy ones and anniv date of Dec 22 730p...
30th November 2015
Actually its upside down - gotta drop a core not add one 3 threads at Ein dealing with this (Win 10 and Intel drivers...
29th November 2015
Gunfight cont'd 1129 5pm status 40 xPOD 534,955 194,857,023 United States 41 JHMarshall 534,240 65,334,190 United...
29th November 2015